
i'll be out of job by this month-end. This happened not cause of the bad economy, but that my job has been taken over by a india company and this very position in my company is disppearing globally. I know it coming, ever start from this June, so there is no crying-shaking-my-head-saying-nothing or feeling lost and empty in such a sudden.

I was alright with it.

are you ready for un-employeement? 
I think I'm ready for mine 

At the time when sub-prime thing came up and companies started their series lad-off, I was so panic about it and just didn't know what to do and how to plan for the next step. I used to be so certained and confident on job hunting cause I knew it's never hard for me to get a decent job with good view, but then things went bad and choices are disappearing. It took me quite like 1.5 months for digestion and complaining. Poor LC was the one trying hard to stand with my bad temper when I was yelling at him with frastration. And I think I am ready for it to come now, with all the negative energy being finally released.

So whats my plan if still no job until then?  

Mm I think I will keep my every-Monday yoga dancing class as it is, and spend at least 2 days a week in the book store for some readings. There are so many many booked that I either bought and placed on my shelf, or was so thinking about getting it but even got no time for it. It’s been a long time for me to be able to really settle down my mind and focus on spiritual reading, and I am definitely going to pick up this habit on the break this time. 

Oh and I will maintain my jogging exercise too!! Walking on the most popular street in tpe and make some street-sight-seeing and try to discover some funny store and old market for cheap fruit too! 

Friends are laughing at me cause walking down the street doesn't save me much traffic cost, but I don’t really care! It’s not the money I’m trying to save. I want to walk around and move my body and feel more healthy and alive!! That's what matters the most!~ 

And what else? Mmm……I should go back to my once-a-week-swim too…..haven’t done my frogy swim for quite a while either. I will spend some time dinner with friends and meet some of the long-time-no-see and try to catch up with each other. Take shower for pun and meow, clean the room and dump some garbage so we get more space for cats to run.

For the rest of the time..i will then spend it on job hunting and playing with fat cats. Oh and go apply for government unemployeement benefit too!! this is so so important man~ 

Isn’t it wonderful? I can see my 2009 January be filled up easily within a blink!! 



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